
Not much has changed since my last post, hence the quiet interlude. I’m still working in a Cookshop, working from day to day until I go travelling. I was recently asked to also go and set up a new store in Wells (Somerset somewhere) and go and set up their stockroom over the course of a week. So if that goes ahead, I’ll be off at the end of this month for a week to do some back-breaking work. Organising our stockroom when we first opened shop was tough work but it’ll be nice to have some more responsibility. Chances are that we’ll be doing 10+ hour days to get the job done on time. Either way, it’ll be something to break the monotony of day to day retail work.

In other news, I visited Imperial the other week to learn a bit more about the course and life at Imperial. It was good to get the chance to meet current students there and really get a feel for the place. If it’s one thing that I’ve learnt it’s that there is going to be a hell of a lot of work. That’ll be fine once I figure out a routine and get into the habit of doing things. The one thing that I’m trying to figure out at the moment is how to take lecture notes? I know that it sounds strange but just think about it for a minute. Do you note down what the lecturer is saying, what he’s writing or what is on the Powerpoint slide?? Ideas anyone? It’ll probably be some combination of the above with some time spent afterwards tidying up and adding to my notes. Then there’s the question of whether I’ll be using paper or a computer for note-taking. I’ve always been a paper sort of guy myself but if I go down the paper route, will I end up bathing in notes by the end of term – how does one even begin to organise all of that for revision? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Just some food for thought.


Listening to: FLY-BY ALIEN – VANT

^ One of the coolest songs of the year. Has a real Scott Pilgrim (the film) feel to it, maybe it’s the visuals and American rock vibe.

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